Square blocks stacked inn a staircase shape with user profile icons oon each one. The blocks are different colors: white, red, yellow, green, blue, annd orange
Square blocks stacked inn a staircase shape with user profile icons oon each one. The blocks are different colors: white, red, yellow, green, blue, annd orange
DJ Nuckolls
Change & Transformation
4 minutes

Measure and raise your net promoter score (eNPS)

An Audience Worth Winning 

  • The recognition of a top performer who went above and beyond. 
  • A surprise and delight moment that breaks up the monotony of a daily routine. 
  • A playful annual ritual that brings everyone together around a shared value.

These are all examples of everyday yet memorable moments that can contribute to positive company culture. These “Moments of Merry”, as LOCAL likes to call them, help drive culture because they come from the people who work there. 

The moments employees share with each other create stories that drive the true culture of a company, regardless of what the corporate posters, emails, or onboarding materials say. Sometimes these moments are joyful, but other moments can feel just the opposite, especially during times of change.

Your Culture: It’s Time for a Health Check 

Since our inception, LOCAL has seen the culture and engagement obstacles all companies face. Be it economic challenges, technological distractions, political anxiety, or personal matters, we’re all inundated with stressors outside of work that steal our attention. 

That’s why a healthy culture is so important, and why we’ve intentionally built our company from the ground up to be culture-first. From our interview and onboarding processes to celebrating personal and professional milestones, we strive to be a place where our employees can be kind, authentic, joyful, and full of wonder. We embrace the uncertainty and fluidity of work and life, and hold space for one another to be at our best and not-so-picture-perfect selves. This is where our magic is.

But we know this is not enough, and that our employees are an audience worth winning over and over again. To ensure we’re always getting better, we’ve developed a unique way to calculate our employee Net Promoter Score.


An employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) is a way of understanding how your employees feel about their work environment and whether they would recommend it to qualified peers. It offers an opportunity to share qualitative feedback with leadership and provides opportunities to fill gaps and celebrate wins. What you measure in your eNPS should align with where your culture is today, where it needs to trend towards, and any other specific characteristics that represent your values and goals as a company. 

At LOCAL, we measure eNPS using our Culture Health Check (CHC) tool, which operates as a four-quadrant heat map. The green, top right corner represents the Believers of a cultural metric - those that fully agree. The yellow box represents the Swayables - those that somewhat agree but may have a stipulation here or there. And finally, the red part of the map represents Drains, or those who do not agree with the metric at all. 


The following metrics are important to us at LOCAL. We ask employees to score each, for them personally (y axis) and for the company (x axis):

  • I’m growing : My company helps me grow 
  • I make a difference : My company makes a difference 
  • I feel I belong : My company is inclusive 
  • I have the training I need : My company cares about teaching 
  • I can measure my impact : My company measures the right things 
  • I feel connected to my peers : My company helps us to stay connected 
  • I am a trusted team member : My company trusts its people
  • I am appreciated : My company appreciates the right things
  • I take joy in my my work : My company is a joyful place to work 

The average eNPS score for consulting in the U.S. is 29%. 

The Agency average is 21%. 

Our eNPS score at LOCAL is 76%. 

Is this coincidental? We would argue it’s wildly intentional. We are by no means perfect, but when it comes to culture, we have a lot of wisdom to share. And who better to hear it from than Localitos themselves? 

We regularly publish insights about what LOCAL employees value most in a positive work environment, ways LOCAL has worked to address common challenges, and advice on how you can implement our tested solutions within your own organization. 

Have a question? Let’s Talk.