HR Transform panel presentation
HR Transform panel presentation
Change & Transformation
30 minutes
Ryan Klee

HR Transform: How Marketers Approach Employee Behavior Change

We believe Marketing plays an essential role in change, and we believe everyone is a marketer. Especially HR pros. 

To help senior HR and people leaders reimagine themselves as marketers and arm them with techniques and tactics that will increase the chances of success of their change initiatives, we recently took to the big screen to preach that message to hundreds of executive people leaders at HR Transform’s Spring Summit. 

HR Transform, one of the most progressive HR conferences out there, brings together the world’s most prominent HR executives and innovators creating the future of work and revolutionizing the workplace. For our 2021 session, we wanted to bring our story to life with real world insights, so we produced a powerhouse panel of senior corporate marketers to explore how marketers approach change and the different philosophies and methods they use to integrate new ideas into culture. 

Moderated by LOCAL’s Neil Bedwell, the live panel included: 

Jenn Garbach, VP Upmarket Marketing & Customer Analytics, Capital One

Rich Kang, Executive Director HR Innovation and User Experience, Kaiser Permanente

Robyn Duda, Co-Founder, Change the Stage

Watch the full session here.