Group of potential hires sitting outside of an office waiting for their turn to interview
Group of potential hires sitting outside of an office waiting for their turn to interview
Brooke Wright
Employee Experience
4 minutes

How to make your hiring process more human

Corporate America has done humans a disservice; although unintentional, it's removed so much of humanity out of work. 

‘Think about this Phrase: Human Resources. It might just be the least human description imagineable for what is the MOST valuable asset any of us have in our companies. 

Here’s how Oxford defines “a resource:” a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that a person or organization can draw on to function effectively. I don’t know about you, but the last thing I want to be is “an asset that can be drawn onto function.”

And 85% of these “resources” are unhappy in their jobs according to The Gallup Press. That’s expensive for employers. And it’s a major turnoff for potential hires.

At LOCAL, we’ve codified how we foster a positive work culture that keeps your current employees happy and attracts not just cultural fits, but ‘cultural adds.’

Reach within to build a magnetic culture

The truth is, bringing our authentic selves to the workplace requires vulnerability on both sides of the employer/employee relationship. Employers need to see their employees as people first and workers second, and employees should bring their best selves to work.

But a strong culture starts with strong leadership after all. 

Strong leadership creates engaged employees, and according to The Gallup Press, companies with engaged employees have up to:

  • 17% higher productivity over companies with disengaged employee,
  • 3.8% higher stock return over their peers and
  • 21% higher profitability

But what if we shifted the target a little bit?

Let’s take a step back for a moment to look at the bigger picture.

Stakeholder value is important, but what’s the ultimate goal?

Here at LOCAL we’ve created our own version of The Gallop Path (with some changes to the language) that we believe better depicts our aspirations.

LOCAL’s version of the Gallop Path…..

  • Companies = Happy Humans 
  • Happy Humans = Happy Clients 
  • Happy Clients = Company Growth 
  • Company Growth = More Happy Humans 

We have been on a journey to find more happy humans to join our company and knew we had to reinvent our process to find the hearts and heads that we needed for growth. 

Recognizing that companies aren’t just made by humans, they’re made of humans, is the first step in this process. Here’s the rest:

  1. Know Who You Are

Your values are only your values if you live them out at every touch point. Even if people weren’t the right fit or didn’t choose us, it didn’t compromise our ability to express our values. Ours are:

  • Wonder = “Could we do this process differently?” 
  • Joy = Having a ton of fun
    Kindness = Make sure everyone is seen and heard
  • Authenticity = Being true to your values and transparent in your actions.

  1. Make it about them 

As brands, we have the tendency to talk about ourselves and all the great things we do, but actually, what is most important is that our customers understand the value they are buying. And it’s the same exact thing with hiring. It has to be a value exchange. Less talk about us and more about them.

We’ve found that most job postings only talk about the “skills” the candidate will need. But what can you offer them as well? Be clear on what you need as well as what they will get. Expectations are everything. And if we are trying to find our “A” players who can meet and take the company into the next phase of growth, clarity is everything. Evaluate your job post. What % is about what you get vs what they get? Being clear is being kind.

Highlight the benefits, growth opportunities, and company culture in job postings. Show potential hires how they will fit into the bigger picture and how their work will make a meaningful impact. This approach attracts candidates who are looking for more than just a paycheck—they’re looking for a purpose.

  1. Turn the process into a story 

Put your money toward the interview/hiring experience for candidates vs a recruiter.

A well-crafted hiring process should tell a story about who you are as a company. It should reflect your values and culture at every stage. From the initial outreach to the final offer, each interaction should be meaningful and engaging. This not only attracts top talent but also sets the tone for their future experience as an employee.

To create a compelling narrative, consider incorporating storytelling elements into your interviews. Share anecdotes about the company’s journey, successes, and challenges. Invite candidates to share their own stories and experiences. This mutual exchange not only helps you gauge cultural fit but also builds a connection that can make candidates feel more invested in the potential role.

  1. Create an Experience 

Think through each step of your interview process. It had to match our values, which meant it shouldn’t feel intimidating like it was just about us, or what we needed. It had to feel human. Each step of our process, from initial “coffee” to the half day in the office with our team, displayed our values and our culture.

The last step was the most important. For candidates who did not get selected, we offered them a feedback session if they chose to take us up on our offer. They invested time in us, and this was our way of investing time back in them.

Creating a memorable and positive candidate experience can leave a lasting impression. Even if a candidate doesn’t end up joining your team, they’re likely to speak positively about your company and refer others if they had a good experience.

  1. Involve the team

The team is who will be working with them day after day and vice versa. We include team members from every level of the organization in each step of the process. We have a feedback loop for them to provide inputs on the candidate based on how well they feel we are aligned with our values.

Team involvement ensures that new hires are a good cultural fit and can integrate smoothly into the existing team. It also empowers employees by giving them a voice in the hiring process, which can boost morale and engagement.

Moreover, involving the team in the hiring process helps to build a sense of ownership and responsibility among employees. When team members are actively engaged in selecting their future colleagues, they are more likely to invest in the success of the new hire and contribute to their onboarding and integration process. This collaborative approach fosters a supportive and cohesive work environment.

Bringing humanity back to hiring

Transforming your hiring process to be more human-centered is essential in today’s work landscape. Everything down to your prospective employee’s very first interaction with your brand is an opportunity to walk your talk by letting your values shine through., 

Attract top talent and retain engaged employees with a humanizing hiring process shows that your company understands that it’s “people over positions,” fostering a sense of belonging and purpose right from the start.

Continuously seek feedback and be willing to adapt your processes. This approach builds a resilient, dynamic workforce and a culture where everyone feels valued. Ultimately, making your hiring process more human is about building a community and recognizing each individual’s contribution to your organization’s story. Happy hiring!