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What is Craft? Pt. 2

Continuing our exploration of Craft—What is it and how do you know when you see it?—here is Part 2 of LOCAL’s recommendations to deep dive into Craft: its meaning & its prime examples.

(Missed Part 1? Read it now.)

LOCAL’s approach to change comes as an analysis of 3 parts: Insight, Story, Craft. While on the surface, the formula appears simple, each phase has its own set of complex influences & biases – both internal and external. In order to refine our understanding of each part in an effort to be better and do better for ourselves and our clients, the team often shares references that explore the best…or even the worst…examples.

Through a dozen submissions from our team, a synthesized consensus was this: Craft = to construct ‘something’ of quality with thought and skill. Here’s the latter half of our absolute favorite examples of Craft that inspires us in hopes of inspiring others.

Sheyda Mehrara (Account Manager) – The Grand Budapest Hotel

Wes Anderson is arguably one of the best directors of all time because of his attention to the craft of filmmaking. What you get with The Grand Budapest Hotel is a full on immersive experience, not just an entertaining storyline. From whimsical insecure full bodied characters to intricate delightful b-plots to tight symmetrical camera frames to achingly sweet hues, Anderson never wastes a single moment without making you fall in love with the success that is his pinnacle of craft.  

Ph cred: IMDB

Andrew Osterday  (Partner and Chief Strategy Officer) – Chef’s Table BBQ

This series is about people who are incredibly invested in their craft. It goes beyond knowledge to a way of doing everything in your life. The pursuit of excellence and pride in work. This work just happens to be tasty.

Ph cred: IMDB

Nick Roth (Senior Strategist) – Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass on Story

He’s a practitioner not a coach and you get to see each step of how he approaches the craft of storytelling and how to access creativity. He says that everything that happens to us out in the world are little bits that you can add to your story compost heap.

Ph cred: IMDB

Harry Mitchell (Account Manager)  – Blond by Frank Ocean

This album took 4+ years to produce and was well worth the wait. Every sound on this record serves a purpose and was meticulously crafted with the intentionality of a true creative genius.

Ph cred: Wikipedia

Magan van Tonder (Operations Manager) – Serenbe Farms

While not far from Atlanta, this place inspires me when I’m in a rut (it’s less of the place and more of the feeling I get when we arrive, it’s a very consistent feeling). It’s a place that’s accessible and provides me with many facets of inspiration from architecture, living a healthy lifestyle, sustainability, and the act of slowing down and enjoying the little things in life.

Ph cred: Serenbe Farms

Ryan Klee (PR, Media, Content Partner) – Rick Beato — What Makes This Song Great

Rick Beato is veteran musician, songwriter, audio engineer, and record producer with 2+ million YouTube subscribers. In his series, “What Makes This Song Great,” he expertly unpacks songs from bands across the musical spectrum to show what makes them so special. To the untrained ear, they just sound like good songs. But as he intricately peels back the layers, he shows you how exquisite musicianship and audio engineering combine to create these beautifully crafted masterpieces.

Ph cred: YouTube